New Year’s…A Bit Late

Osechi New Year's Day 2009

Osechi New Year's Day 2009


First, the above photo is from our table on New Year’s Day.  I forgot to take my camera to the shrine the night before.  This is traditional New Year’s food.  It is only available once a year.  Dear husband loves it and it take everything I have to keep him out of it until New Year’s Day.  I think I did alright.  Not bad for the non-Japanese wife. 

Next, I have had this post in my head for days.  But the quiet time to sit down and write just hasn’t been there.  School started yesterday, which is good for dear daughter and me.  She has missed time with her friends, I have missed time to think clearly. 

Last week I listened to my favorite podcast, Sticks and String by David Reidy  His essay that show was on tolerance.  My marriage caused some distance between myself and my family and friends.  Not the physical distance, which is the first thing to come into everyone’s mind.  The emotional distance.  When I married dear husband, I made a statement about myself.  That I would live the life I wanted, with the man I love, with or without the approval of those I hold dear.  This act of  confidence, coming from me at that time. was out of character.  So, I took “The Road Less Traveled”  And that has made the difference for me.  After listening to David’s essay, it made me think.  That how strong could the affection for me have been, if it could be so easily dismissed.  If I care for someone, I want them to be happy.  It has been a difficult realization that those I held in such regard do not feel the same way.

It led me to think of my New Year’s resolutions, and things I would like to accomplish in this year.  As I become older, the rate of time passing seems so much quicker.  I look at my daughter, and can not believe that that tall, beautiful child is my baby.  When did that happen? 

1. Mend the strains in my life.

2. Lose 2-3 kilograms… I know, isn’t this the goal of most of us.

3. Get a least 7 hours of sleep each night. 

4. Be brave by attempting to get a Japanese Drivers License.  This one may take more strength them I am capable.

5. Realize that I set the mood in our home.  If I am happy and calm, so goes the home.  This is also contingent on #3.

Happy New Year to all.  Here’s hoping 2009 is a good year.

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And Christmas is over

Here in Japan, as soon as Christmas Day has arrived, the decorations come down and the music stops.  For anyone here knows that the “real” holiday is New Years.  I, being of a stubborn nature, leave the Christmas tree in place.  Not mentioning that I only put it up a few days ago.  Yes… I like New Years here in Tokyo; the quietness when so many leave to go to the homestead.  I like the traditions, and the time spent with dear husband’s family.  But in my heart, I am a Santa-loving girl, and with each passing year, I long to be in the cold, festive, wind-blowing comotion of Chicago during the holidays.

Mom returned to the U.S. today, and it is with sadness we part again.  I think, and hope, she had a good stay here with us.  I am grateful that Mom makes the trip.  She is my biggest supporter, now and always.  Thirteen years ago, when we were preparing for my wedding, as happy as I was, I knew life would change.  I know that my leaving the States broke her heart.  But she has never voiced that hurt.  She just smiles and tells me she loves me. 

So we had a great five and a half weeks together.  Including my dear daughter’s first piano recital.  I held my breath with each note.  I love this child more than anything or anyone.  She did great.  I am so proud of her. 

DD at the piano

DD at the piano

Then our weekend trip to Hiroshima. 

Hiroshima Dome

Hiroshima Dome

There are many worries for the coming year.  But I will choose to look ahead with hope, and with great appreciation for my blessings.

Happy Holidays to all!

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We saw the sun

Today we saw the sun, after what seemed like days of cold, gloomy, rainy, March-like weather. Yesterday was 13C, today 23C. In order to take full advantage of this lovely change is weather, Mom and I did a bit of shopping, then had lunch at our favorite curry restaurant. Mom had her favorite, Chicken Curry, and I had my favorite, Channa Marsala, extra hot. The naan there is the best. We both left smiling and “stuffed to the gills”. It is these times I miss the most and I can’t believe our three-week visit is almost finished.
I really have ADD when it comes to my knitting. I just can not stop casting on. It is like I am on a search for a project that will be fun, easy, portable and hold my attention to the end. Any ideas? Just let me know.
Last week, I spent two days taking pictures of my yarn stash and adding them to my Ravelry page. I did have a since of accomplishment, at least for a few minutes. You can find me there as…Tokyomama.
Well, Wild-Thing needs to get in the shower. She has school tomorrow. Four more weeks of school. You know, as a mother, there is that one day or two at the beginning of summer vacation when you are relaxed and happy that school is out. No bentos to make, uniforms to press, homework to review and argue about. Then the “What should we do now?”, and “When do we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house?” start and that relaxed, zen state of mind I was so enjoying is gone until school starts, when I have a day or two of silence and knitting, before I realize the rat race is starting again.
If all goes as planned (AKA, if I get my self together in time), tomorrow is Stitch n’ B***h. I hope to take Mom with me. That old time together thing. I should stop thinking before I start crying.



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I’m a Porsche 911!

You have a classic style, but you’re up-to-date with the latest technology. You’re ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige – you’re one of the elite,and you know it.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

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Good Coffee, Good Company, Good Knitting

Wow, my first blog post…Today was Stitch and B****h with the Tokyo Daytime Knitting Group.  A good day of talking (English!), good coffee and time to enjoy my knitting without interruption.  I was happy to be joined by old friends and new friends.  And to have the chance to enjoy seeing everyone’s projects.

I worked on the Melanie’s Twist sock in Cherry Tree Hill Supersock that I have put aside too long.  So long in fact that I spent all last evening looking for my notes.  So I spent the first part of my morning examining the progress on the sock so far so I can duplicate the second sock.  I did get quite a bit accomplished.  Let’s hope this continues.  I also finished a few rounds of the Elizabeth Zimmermann EPS pullover.  It is the never ending knit stitch.  I hope to see a great sweater in the end.  And it does make for good travel, talking knitting.

Mom’s e-mail this morning said Dad was still not up to par.  I am worried, but will wait for an update.

I will try to stick with my goal of “no more casting-on” until I finish half of what I have on the needles.  This could take a long time.

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